Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Vision, Mission & Values

Vision : 

To be a globally trusted supplier of Ferro-alloys as well as to create sustained value addition for all stake holders.

Mission : 

Managing our business with integrity and highest ethical standard. Acting in a socially responsible manner with particular emphasis on the wellbeing of all stake holders and communities we serve. Adopting new technologies, initiatives, continuous learning and innovation for productive use of all resources.

Values : 

Accountability - We hold ourselves, individually and together accountable for our actions and performance.
Collaboration - We believe in the value of team work and spirit of cooperative effort.
Customer Focus - Our top most priority is to achieve customer satisfaction through the quality of our product and services.
Partnership - We maintain mutually beneficial relationship with channel partners, suppliers and associates through fair compensation
Cost Consciousness - We relentlessly search for opportunities for cost reduction through innovation and creativity.
Integrity - Our actions are guided by honesty, fairness and transparency.
Dignity of Individual - We respect the value and uniqueness of each individual with whom we deal.

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